These bags are flawed and imperfect.
They have marks, slightly bent corners, tear marks from excess glue between bags, scuffs, etc. They are functional bags, but not for the perfectionists. Some have more obvious flaws than others. SEE PICTURES FOR EXAMPLES OF THE FLAWS THAT THE BAGS MAY HAVE. They are available at a heavily reduced price to reflect these imperfections.
These bags are sold on the understanding that they are flawed, and as such no refunds or returns for faulty items will be accepted for these reasons.
You can personalise the bag with a name OR role, with the text in any of the following colours; black, silver, gold, copper.
To Order:
1) Simply select the required quantity from the 'bags needed' drop down menu and add to basket.
2) Proceed to checkout where you can add a 'message to seller' with the details for each item including the text colour.
* Large Landscape White Paper Gift Bag
* Rope Handles
* L -24cm
W -30cm
D - 10 cm
Some of the fonts that we use in our designs use over-sized lower-case letters as the capital letters. If you are concerned about how your stickers may look please ask for a proof of how your names/roles will appear BEFORE ordering.